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Rajiya: Transforming Inspiration into Aspiration

A tale of personal evolution

Rajiya smiling and holding a photo of herself before cleft surgery

Rajiya's life began with a challenge that few around her could understand — she had a cleft. Born into a large, traditional Muslim family of more than 20 members in Islampur, West Bengal, her condition puzzled and frightened most of her relatives. Old beliefs led her immediate family to isolate her parents and grandparents, casting a shadow over her earliest days. But, even in the face of such stigma, they chose to raise her and provide her with the best support possible.

Rajiya’s first six months of life were extremely challenging. Nobody came to see her. Her mother struggled to feed her and often wept in silence. Her grandmother came to the rescue, placing a piece of milk-soaked cloth in Rajiya's mouth to feed her. The absence of family made their home a lonely place.

Amidst all the darkness, Rajiya's parents became her pillar of love and support. In her father's words, "Rajiya was a part of our family, and we had to stay strong to keep her safe. In the face of adversity, her ammi (mother) and I kept praying to God for help and, one fine day, through a neighbor, I learned about Smile Train’s program at Anandaloke Hospital in Siliguri."

A doting father showering his love and blessings
A doting father showering his love and blessings

Everything changed for Rajiya when they arrived at Anandaloke Hospital. She received her lip surgery at seven months, followed by a palate surgery and other age-appropriate cleft treatment over the next 16 years. Gradually, the hearts of her extended family softened, and they embraced Rajiya, accepting her as a cherished member of the family.

While growing up, Rajiya had to make frequent visits to the hospital for surgeries, speech therapy, and follow-up care. These visits have had a profound impact on her life, especially the relationship she has formed with her doctor, Neela Bhattacharya. Her compassion and dedication inspired Rajiya to dream of becoming a doctor herself, with the hope of offering care and life to others.

Rajiya smiling and reading a book after cleft surgery
Rajiya preparing for her future

“I have a poster in my room that serves as a daily reminder to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor,” Rajiya shared.

Rajiya’s wall of motivation - "I want to be a successful doctor like Dr. Neela Bhattacharya"
Rajiya’s wall of motivation