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Sakshi Can't Hide Her Smile

Her journey proves that, when it comes to cleft care, “the earlier the better”

The ultrasound brought a wave of fears and unanswered questions to Kavita and Basant. Their first child would have a cleft.

Sakshi smiling before cleft surgery
Pre-op photo of Sakshi

"We didn’t know what to expect," Kavita shared. "We searched online, hoping to find answers. The treatment was expensive and the images we saw left us horrified. As the due date approached, our fears and apprehensions grew stronger."

On the day Sakshi was born, instead of joy, the Jhalamand, Jodhpur couple felt anxiety and uncertainty. "When I first saw Sakshi, all I could think about was how people would treat her,” Kavita said.

Kavita kissing Sakshi after her cleft surgery
Sakshi with her mother, Kavita

The first few weeks after her birth were the hardest. Sakshi’s cleft made her choke on milk when her mother tried to feed her. Both the child and mother cried together — one from hunger, the other from despair. Basant’s limited income couldn’t buy his daughter the care she needed; for months, the family didn’t attend any function or go out with their child to avoid unwanted questions.

Just when their worries were deepening, a ray of hope appeared. During a visit to a local hospital, the doctor mentioned she could receive free cleft care at Goyal Hospital, thanks to an organization called Smile Train.

Within months, Sakshi’s surgery was scheduled at Goyal. The day of the surgery was emotional. As little Sakshi was in the operating room, each tick of the clock heightened Kavita and Basant's anxiety.

Smile Train partner at the Goyal Hospital operation theatre
Inside Goyal Hospital operation theatre

Kavita could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Sakshi after surgery. Her transformation was beyond what she had imagined. "It was like seeing our daughter for the first time," Kavita whispered. "All those fears, all that anxiety — it all melted away in that moment."

Today, four-year-old Sakshi is a lively and happy child, surrounded by the love and protection of her family. She loves playing hide-and-seek and can often be seen in front of the mirror doing her makeup. Her constant laughter fills her family with joy.

Their advice to other families seeking cleft treatment for their child is "The earlier, the better."

As they watch their daughter grow, Kavita and Basant are filled with hope for her future.

Thanks to Smile Train, it truly is looking bright as her smile.